Observance of the following festival etiquette will ensure that all guests, visitors, exhibitors, and employees can enjoy the festival in a safe and pleasant environment.
- The Midlands Whisky Festival supports responsible drinking and encourages visitors to enjoy the festival by drinking in moderation.
- The legal drinking age in the UK is 18 years old. Visitors may be asked for proof of ID.
- The Festival is a tasting event and excess consumption of alcohol will not be tolerated.
- Upon entry your ticket will be scanned and you will be issued with a festival wristband which you are required to wear during your visit.
- Visitors are strongly advised to eat before and during the festival properly.
- The venue offers appropriate catering on site. Please note only food purchased at the festival may be consumed on the premises.
- Visitors are encouraged to drink plenty of water in between sampling the whiskies
- There are spittoons and free drinking water on all exhibitor stands as well as locations throughout the venue.
- In the interest of a good festival atmosphere and especially the welfare of exhibitors, visitors will not be served alcohol if they appear to have consumed too much alcohol.
- Nickolls and Perks Staff, Security Staff and St John’s First Aid will be present to ensure the safety and welfare of the guests, visitors, exhibitors and employees.
- Visitors who appear drunk, disruptive towards other visitors or exhibitors, or otherwise upset the event, will be asked to leave the festival.
- Samples are only poured by exhibitors into the tasting glasses provided and are to be consumed during the festival. Do not bring empty sample bottles with you to the festival and pour the samples provided by the exhibitors in containers other than the official tasting glasses provided.
- Festival Staff will be on-hand throughout the event to help if you have any questions about the organisation of the festival (identified by Nickolls and Perks “Staff” T-Shirts & badges)
- Refund of entrance tickets or renewed access to the festival will not be granted to persons who have not complied with the above house rules.